We had an overnight trip this past weekend and had some luck with a Mako and mahi.
Some boats that hung in there at the Wilmington in the bad weather had a great
bite of up to 21 yellowfins…. Continue reading
We had an overnight trip this past weekend and had some luck with a Mako and mahi.
Some boats that hung in there at the Wilmington in the bad weather had a great
bite of up to 21 yellowfins…. Continue reading
Capt. Todd and Brandon off to the Lindy Friday morning. Had nice ride, started trolling and missed a wahoo and a big gaffer on the way and got set up for the night…. Continue reading
30 hour overnight trips – tuna wahoo, swords, $525 per angler.
Sunday, October 21 at 9am through Monday, Oct 22nd at 3pm and Sunday, Oct 28th at 9am through Monday, Oct 29th at 3pm…. Continue reading
Call us if we can take you fishing Friday! Weather forecast is FLAT. Tuna and Wahoo bite is good!
Thanks from the Restless Lady,
Captain Sean Welsh
443 373-3413 … Continue reading
Overnight trip left on Friday, turned out to be a night of big sharks 4 big blue sharks all better than 200 pds, then had a longfin Mako 300 plus and finally a nice 165 pd mako for the box…. Continue reading
Open boat trip Sept.25 leave 9am returns Sept. 26 3pm. 30hr trip need 4 @525 per head… Continue reading
New Open Boat
Sept 25-26 overnight trip
Tuna, swords, shark
$525 per angler… Continue reading
Capt. Todd and Brandon out to the thirty fathom lump where they left off the day before had a nice day for the freezer. Couple of yellowfins 62 and 68 pds with 291 pds of dolphin and a couple of wahoo biteoffs…. Continue reading
Okay guys fall fishing starting to heat up, little chill in the air, time to get fish meat in the freezer. Tunas starting to bite again as cooler water starts to move .Nice catches in 30 fathoms,… Continue reading
Restless Lady Open Boat trip Sept 25-26
30 hours– leave the dock Tuesday 9am-and return Wednesday 3pm
Tuna and swordfish
Need 4 anglers $525 per angler
… Continue reading
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