Restless Lady stop in 40 fathoms had a bite which then suddenly had a 200 pd mako one the end of tuna gear meanwhile the tunas were everywhere 5 miles away in the washington…. Continue reading
Restless Lady stop in 40 fathoms had a bite which then suddenly had a 200 pd mako one the end of tuna gear meanwhile the tunas were everywhere 5 miles away in the washington…. Continue reading
Rough water kept the restless lady in between hotdog and the hook. 12 tuna bites, very rough in the morning when he were jumped a couple times. Lost pair of big fish,… Continue reading
Started today in the poormans, bite certainly slowed up from previous days but had about 15 skippys then six throw back yellowfins, missed a couple big ones but manage bring 6 nice tunas to the dock…. Continue reading
Trip to the poormans pays off again although bite a little slower today, the young anglers turned in an great performance. Mark Murphy age 8 and Ian Swidersky age 10 were the stars today capturing 7 yellowfins releasing 6 others and saw three white marlin,… Continue reading
Left dock at 2pm ran out to poormans, started trolling. Had 12 throw backs, 3 keepers. Yellowfin set up at night had one tuna on the chunk, four hammerheads. four am caught a feisty mako 165pds/ Then morning came so did the tunas in the baits teasers and ended 14 nice fish and about 20 throwbacks…. Continue reading
Started 40 fathoms inside the Rockpile our to 70 fathom and back. Water is 75′ and clear. Lots of bait. All caught on mix of hoo and plastic. 35 throw backs,… Continue reading
Restless Lady needs anglers for one day next week, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Pick a day. We have 2 guys ready for any of the 3 days. Also open boat seats available July 14th and 27th…. Continue reading
Restless Lady Open this Saturday, next week. Great YFT, Bigeye bite at Poormans!… Continue reading
Sunday, stopped bluefin hole at Jackspot and of course whack 5 off the bat, pushed offshore to the Poormans and released 15 yellowfins, brought ten home with some gaffers one at 30#. … Continue reading
Combo Bluefin -shark trip today AS THE GREAT FISHING CONTINUES had 45 inch fish all morning catching 14 ,releasing 13,shark fishing had no drift , water dead still,so did not produce anything…. Continue reading
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