Fishing Reports


Great offshore pelagic bite with lots of tuna, BE and YFT, blue marlin, white marlin, mahi, swords and makos in the mid Atlantic canyons, Balt, Poormans and Wash.
RL1- Need 2 anglers for 12 hour tuna trip Aug 11/ $350pp
Aug dates available- 12,… Continue reading
RLII 4th place OCTT/Great bite offshore/ inshore 7-15-19

Yellowfins, mahi, Marlin (blue and white), Wahoo, Mako sharks, yesterday in the Poorman and Baltimore canyons. Bluefins inshore lumps.
Naked Ballyhoo is the bait of choice.
RLII fresh off 4th place/ $32,000 win in OC Tuna Tournament
RLII needs 4anglers for OC White Marlin Open/ Call Capt Sean for details 443 373-3413
Need 4 anglers for 12 hour tuna trip RL2 Monday-July 22/ $350pp
Need 3 anglers for overnight trip RLII July 24-25/ $550pp
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