Report July 10 and 11, 2014 Thursday July 10 Capt. Todd and first mate Willy went to the Hotdog and found the inshore BFT. 1 over at 90# and 2 unders at 50#, released 6 more overs (47″+) and found 4 YFT to 50#. All bites on trolled baits, bars and hoo. Did see chunkers catching also.
Friday July 11th Todd and Will went to the wash looking for Bigeyes with our tournament crew, Mark Marstella, John Schindler, Harry Gesford, Ed Eukonovich, Mike Chandler, Chris Chester. Found 3 fat YFT and at the end of day 1 were in 2nd place for stringer weight at 173#. Yesterday was our lay day.
Todd is out today fishing for bigeyes again, I’ll have a report later about today’s trip.

Open boat dates Sept 23/24- Tue/ Wed- 24 hour over night trip/$545 per person/ Need 2 Anglers
NEW TRIP- Sat/ Sun- Oct 4-5/ 24 hour trip/ need 6 anglers/ $545 per person
Good dates available in September, October is wide open
Go to Martin Fish Co. in W. OC for best bait selection and prices in town. Hours daily are 9-7, 5-7 thur-sun. Restless Lady sponsor.