Captain Todd started with the fleet in the South Poormans, very slow for everyone so started paddling towards Washington canyon, had some small yellowfins then had a big bite and yes sir a nice big-eye at 228# for a great crew from USCG station Ocean City, MD. Congrats to Devon!!!!!! The fleet did well in Poormans in the afternoon with better yellowfins. We are fishing everyday thru Sunday, we’ll keep you updated.

We have 1 day available next week, plus an open boat. Click here to check our calendar and availability.
Open boat dates
June 17/Tuesday – 12 hour tuna trip/ need 5 anglers/ $345 per person August 14/Thursday – 12 hour offshore trip/need 1 anglers/$345 per person September 3-4/Wed-Thur – 30 hour overnight trip/ need 2 anglers/$545 per person
Go to Martin Fish Co. in West OC for best bait selection and prices in town. Hours daily are 9-7, 5-7 Thursday-Sunday. Restless Lady sponsor.
Captain Sean 443-373-3413