Capt. Todd and Will fished Friday and Sunday at the edge with every other boat on the east coast. Literally hundreds of boats. So, with all the pressure on the fish it was a slow pick.
Todd decided on the 50-100 line between the Baltimore and Poormans.
Managed to land 2 YFT on Friday and 1 for 2 on white marlin and 1 YFT on Sunday.
Can’t wait to fish on the weekdays, which we will be doing everyday.

Open boat dates
Sept 23/24- Tue/ Wed- 24 hour over night trip/$545 per person/ Need 6 Anglers
Good dates available in September, October is wide open, Call us and we’ll start a new Open Boat trip with your crew of less than 6.
Go to Martin Fish Co. in W. OC for best bait selection and prices in town. Hours daily are 9-7, 5-7 thur-sun. Restless Lady sponsor.